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I address my “Brothers & Sisters” in the USA, Britain and Australia.
I believe it is VITAL for the virtual survival of the world as we know it, for The USA, Britain and Australia to combine as one and lead the rest of the world towards PEACE, PERSONAL FREEDOM, SECURITY & DEMOCRACY.
Further, I believe we are in a crisis of unparralled danger to most of Mankind,
There are those who (astoundingly) are dedicated to destroying the world as we know it! Many of these people are extremely wealthy, some are Billionairres, and seek to remove Democracy as our “right and way of life” & install a system where (as they tell us all “you will own nothing and you will be happy)”.
We each & every one of us NEED to think this through VERY carefully.
I show you all this video segment of a Man of impecable courage and integrity, Retired Lt Gen Michael Flynn of United States Military.
It is important for us all to hear Gen Flynn in his advice, that “fear is a reaction, a reflex” If we see an object soaring towards us, we blink, we don’t need to think about it we blink for the sake of safety and self preservation. However, what a lot of People don’t realise is, that you can still be frightened, but STILL DEMONSTRATE COURAGE. THATS WHAT HERO’S ARE MADE OF! They demonstrate courage, and do what has to be done, even though they may be frightened within. WE ALL NEED TO HEAR GEN FLYNN, & FIND COURAGE.
Let me introduce you to another Man I have been following closely for several years (so have Millions of others globally). He is one of THE most respected People on the planet at this time, (my opinion) he is a hero.
Dr Robert Malone.