Hello Les,
Happy Pre-Independence Day! Everyone should find a copy of the Declaration of Independence, and read it to yourself or those around you. It’s not long. Ponder the 27 grievances that lead to the vow to fight to the death for freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Compare those grievances to what we are witnessing from the impotent uniparty, the corrupt political establishment, the multinational corporations, the military industrial complex, Wall Street, and the billionaire globalist oligarchy that runs it all, and ask yourself if we are now in a place to reclaim those grievances as our own.
United we stand, divided we fall. It’s time We the People proclaim ourselves the true leaders of this nation, by the people for the people. One nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Reject the illusion of choice and the team sports, and go claim your individual liberty as a citizen of this country and get involved where you are. Don’t do nothing! Be the change for good!
To support the show, please click here. Also, please consider supporting America-first businesses by purchasing a product or service on our partners page. Thank you, and God bless America!
Toward Justice and Freedom,
Mel and Rob
Mr Farage sought alternative Banks in UK,
If “they can do this to Nigel Farage, they can (& will) do it TO YOU OR ME
Andrew Bolt on proposed legislation that would “change the way all Australia (HAS TO ) think”
This is draconian! This is frightening!!
“Combating mis information and dis information Bill.
“This Bill does NOT apply to information released by government”
“To shut down important debate that offends the left”
“Combating mis information and dis information Bill.
“This Bill does NOT apply to information released by government”
“To shut down important debate that offends the left”
“Misinformation… if the content contains information that is false, misleading or deceptive, and …..reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm”.
(the “trick” here is, who determines “harm”
“disruption of public order or society in Australia”
“causes harm to the environment”
“joining me is the country’s top media Lawyer Justin Trill”
comment by Trill
“Andrew, its heartbreak and worse than that it is the biggest imposition on free speech I have ever seen a piece of Legislation”. “I’ve long been an advocate for free speech …… but I can tell you in my Twenty Seven years……this is without doubt the worst piece of legislation for free speech that I have seen.
Patriotic Times [info@christianpatriotdaily.com] 5-7-2023
Health Authorities Baffled as Four Rugby Players on the Same Team Collapse in a Single Week.
The rugby players were all young and healthy, in their 20s, with their whole lives ahead of them. The other players on the team and across all of New Zealand are rightly terrified.
Unfortunately for the people of New Zealand, who understand fully what’s going on, there is not a single political party on the ballot in their upcoming national elections who is opposed to mandatory COVID shots.
One of the players collapsed with a blood clot in his brain; one collapsed from an unknown cause and died; one went into a seizure and had to have his heart restarted with CPR (consistent with cardiac arrest); one had a critical brain injury of unknown cause.
The Auckland rugby players’ union said it was “unaware of the cause,” and then infuriatingly added, “We are fortunate that events of this nature are extremely rare.”
Don’t you mean they “used to be” rare? Because they don’t seem to be so rare ever since, roughly, the spring of 2021.
Back in December of 2021, retired soccer player Gary Dempsey tweeted:
“[I] was a professional for nearly 20 years. From 1996. Played nearly 500 games. Club and international level. Never ever was there 1 cardiac arrest. Either in the crowd or a player. It’s actually quite scary.”
The excess deaths and hospitalizations are happening all across New Zealand, yet the health authorities continue to lie about the vaccine-induced deaths. Mainly because they are culpable in every death, since they forced everyone there to get the vax.
A leaked internal report from the health authorities in the Wellington Region of New Zealand last month found that hospitalizations from heart attacks are still up 83% over the historical average, and strokes are up by 25%. Excess deaths in 2023 are 18% above the historic average in New Zealand.
In their upcoming elections, here are the choices that New Zealand has among its four political parties. The Greens and the ACT Party both believe that COVID vaccine injuries are fictional. The Labour Party which is currently in power is spending taxpayer dollars like crazy to try to jab every single last Kiwi they can get their hands on. And the National Party leader has stated that he hopes his party doesn’t get any votes from those dirty anti-vaxxers.
That’s it. Those are their choices. Not that we’re doing much better here in America. At least we’ve got Senator Ron Johnson and a few House members who are willing to say the unspeakable out loud. New Zealanders don’t have anybody who will stand up for them.
Their next-door neighbor Australia is in even worse shape. Australia is about to pass a law that will fine social media companies up to $1 billion per infraction if they don’t sensor any information that is critical of the Pfizer/Moderna jabs.
If you were simply to share this article on social media (Which we hope you do—sharing is caring!), Facebook/Meta, Twitter, and other platforms would be presumably forced to submit to Australia’s whims by censoring you. We’ll have to wait and see how Elon Musk responds to that.
Some countries are waking up to what’s happening, fortunately. As surveys have shown, more than half of American households believe they personally know at least one person who has died from the COVID shots.
In Japan and Germany, peer-reviewed studies have shown that excess deaths have spiked in both countries ever since the vaccine rollout in 2021. Deaths in both countries were below average in 2020, when COVID was floating around and there were no mRNA shots available.
While the health officials in New Zealand can pretend they’re baffled about four rugby players on one team dropping in the same week, normal people see what’s happening. Since the vaccine rollout, there have been 1,884 athletes who have dropped from cardiac arrest or other serious ailments like myocarditis or blood clots. 1,310 of them have died. It’s not a mystery. But the people claiming that it is should be the ones accused of spreading misinformation.