VITAL General info

This is part of a STUNNING video from this Man. Interviewed by Joshua Phillip Senior investigator at Epoch Times. Sigaloff is a Doctor, he is also a Major in the USA Military, and has been threatened with DEATH if he exposes the ingredients of “The vaccine” .
“My opinion is, if the “top brass” of the USA Military are indeed corrupt, all of these predictions of doom, via WEF & many others will likely come true”.
Les D Power. Founder. The Will of Australians.

If ANYBODY can watch this video (below) with an open mind, and NOT be influenced by “those who are making Billions of Dollars” & take into consideration, that these people are taking Grave risks to “warn their fellow Human Beings”, they do so at great Personal & Professional risk, then the whole of the world is in far more trouble than ANY of us thought.

Michael Douglas (Son of Kirk Douglas) with a SERIOUS (& accuarate message)

Retired Lieutenant Gen Michael Flynn, with a message he delivers from his experience offering his life in the support & retention of our personal FREEDOMS
“We either defend OR become a communist country”.