ALL clear thinking people would realise that we are a Generation who are living through very “tough” times, sometimes “dangerous” times. ONE of those risks is the distinct possibility of a “financial breakdown”, meaning that our financial economy could collapse at any time. We ALL hope it does not, but the astute person would take whatever action thought to be “protective” of OUR OWN MONEY. That might mean (for example) to withdraw sufficient cash to cover the immediate needs “just in case“.
IF we allow a CASHLESS SOCIETY, there is simply no cash there to withdraw. If a Bank, or other financial organisation FEELS there is any risk of a “downturn”, these people will know about it well before we the public, and all they need to do is “flick a switch”, AND NONE OF US HAVE ANY MONEY! ITS ALL GONE!
ANYONE who has excitement for a “cashless society” clearly has a complete confidence in the honesty and willingness of our politicians AND the Banks to do “what is right for The People” (not themselves).
I personally do NOT have such a level of trust in ANY of these people.